Frequently Asked Questions

Learn everything you need to know about your immigration case

NO! Families should remain together and that is why we work to make sure our clients can fix their legal status here, without leaving the country.

Persons who have had a difficult relationship with their spouse (U.S. Citizen or Legal Resident) and parents who have had a difficult relationship with their son or daughter (U.S. Citizen) who is 21 years of age or older.

In this situation, it won’t pose any issue for your VAWA case, and we can proceed with the process even if you have been divorced for up to 2 years. However, it’s important to remind you that if you choose to divorce during the process, you won’t be able to remarry until the case is closed/approved. For cases based on minor children, this shouldn’t be a problem.

No, a police report is not required in order to start your VAWA case.

U Visa

The U Visa, which is a visa for victims of specific crimes who have suffered physical or mental abuse and who cooperate with authorities in the investigation or prosecution of those crimes, requires you to meet the following requirements:

  1. Be a victim of a qualifying crime: You must have been a victim of a qualifying crime under United States law.

  2. Have suffered physical or mental abuse due to the crime: You must be able to demonstrate that you have suffered physical or mental abuse as a result of the crime of which you were a victim.

  3. Cooperate with authorities: You must cooperate with authorities in the investigation or prosecution of the crime.

  4. Be eligible for an immigrant visa: You must have a U certificate and not have left the country after the incident.

  5. Have suffered a substantial violation of human rights in the United States: In some cases, if you are a victim of a substantial violation of human rights in the United States, you may also be eligible for a U Visa.

The U Visa offers several important benefits for qualifying individuals, including:

  1. Legal status protection in the United States while the process is being approved and during the U status period of four years.

  2. Work permit while the process is being approved and while in U status.

  3. Eligibility to apply for permanent residency (Green Card) after a certain time in U status, provided certain requirements are met.

  4. Access to social services and assistance programs for victims of crimes.

  5. The possibility of applying for U visas for certain qualified family members, including spouses, children, and parents.

These benefits are designed to assist crime victims in rebuilding their lives in the United States and to provide the necessary support for their recovery and stability.

Yes, your immediate family members (spouse, parents, and children under 21 years old) may qualify as beneficiaries under your petition, as the safety of the family unit is prioritized.


In this case, you will receive your work permit once the T Visa is approved.

For anyone who has experienced labor trafficking, including forced labor, underpayment, hostile working conditions, or discrimination based on immigration status, the T Visa offers the most viable solution.

Yes, your immediate family members (spouse, and children under 21 years old) may qualify as beneficiaries under your petition, as the safety of the family unit is prioritized.

Personal injuries

An injury is a physical or emotional harm that has been caused by the negligence or recklessness of another person, which allows you to bring a negligence claim.

We can provide you with our advice and experience for traffic accidents in all 50 states. In addition, in the state of Washington, we can also help you find the solution to your workplace accident or slip and fall accident on commercial surfaces.

When you are injured due to someone else’s negligence, you have the right to compensation for your injuries. This compensation may include medical expenses, loss of income, pain and suffering, as well as the property damage you sustained in the accident.

You do not need to be a legal resident or have a social security number to file a claim. Anyone who has been affected by the fault of a third party has the right to fight for their health, regardless of immigration status.

We will conduct an investigation and fight for you. In the end, our goal is to make sure we win your case and get you the compensation you deserve!

No problem! We’ll coordinate the treatment for you and make sure nothing comes out of your pocket!

Our team will make sure to coordinate the treatment in the way that is most convenient for you!



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Our goal is for everyone to have the possibility to live peacefully in the United States, that’s why we are always looking for new creative solutions to provide the best service to everyone, no matter how difficult the case may be. We are committed to finding solutions to your immigration situation.


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solutions for you

Our goal is for everyone to have the opportunity to live peacefully in the United States. We are always looking for new and creative legal strategies to best serve the individual needs of our clients. No matter how difficult the case, we are committed to finding solutions.

We serve customers in
all 50 states.