¿Más de 10 años sin visitar tu país de origen o a tu familia? ¡Necesitas tu permiso de viaje!

More than 10 years without visiting your home country or your family? You need your travel permit!


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One of the most painful consequences of those who decide to travel to the United States illegally or stay without permission to live and work in the country is not seeing their families again for a very long time and, most of the time, never again unless they leave the country and do not return.

The sacrifice of staying in the United States

Staying in the United States and not returning to their country is a risk that many are willing to take due to the lack of opportunities in their countries of origin and it is completely understandable that they want more income, better quality of life for themselves and their families; although we know that it is also very hard and sad not to be able to see the rest of their loved ones, their parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, etc.

How to obtain a travel permit

I am Attorney Alexandra and my team and I have found a way for those who have not returned to their country for various reasons to do so for a period of time and be allowed to re-enter the United States. This is possible thanks to a travel permit.

The best news is that there are ways to do it! Do you want to travel to your home country for a while and visit the rest of your loved ones? We could help you do it! Call us at +1 877-773-7647 and tell us about your case so we can help you. For more information about the travel permit click here or if you want to apply for asylum to stay in the United States click here for more information.

More information about the travel permit

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