It is well known that people from all over the world have long been brought to the United States against their will or with false promises of a better future. Upon arrival, they face a life of abuse and often exploitative conditions.

It is a sad and heartbreaking reality that, over the years, people from various parts of the world have been brought to the United States against their will or with false promises of a better future, only to find themselves trapped in exploitative and abusive situations once they arrive.

However, there is a silver lining in the form of the VISA T, designed specifically to address these cases.

The T-VISA provides a crucial opportunity for victims of human trafficking, who have cooperated with law enforcement authorities, to legally remain in the United States, rebuild their lives, and work toward a future free from violence and exploitation.

What is human trafficking?

Human trafficking is a modern form of slavery in which individuals are tricked, coerced or forced to perform labor or services against their will. The two main and most serious forms of trafficking are:
  1. Labor trafficking: People are forced to work to pay off a debt.
  2. Sex trafficking: Involves the sexual exploitation of persons, especially those under 18 years of age, for commercial purposes.

How do I know if I qualify for the VISA T? Here are some key points:

What are the benefits of VISA T?

In addition to providing legal protection and the opportunity to remain in the United States, the T-VISA offers victims of human trafficking access to a number of vital services and resources. This may include…

The T-VISA not only provides immediate and crucial relief to those who have suffered unimaginable trauma, but also represents a significant step toward recovery and rebuilding their lives in a safe and secure environment.

If you think you meet these criteria or know someone who might, please do not hesitate to contact us at
. I am Attorney Alexandra and I am here to help you navigate this legal process and provide you with the support you need to start rebuilding your life.