VISA U protección legal

VISA U: Legal protection for victims of crime in the U.S.


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The U VISA provides legal protection and benefits to victims of crimes such as domestic violence, kidnapping and rape. Gain access to support services, work authorization and the possibility of applying for permanent residency. For more information, call us at +1 (877) 773-7647. We want to help you!

What is VISA U?

The U-VISA is a legal status for non-immigrants who have been victims of a crime or criminal act. The objective of this visa is to allow persons without legal status who have been victims of violence or criminal acts to report crimes to the authorities without fear of retaliation, such as deportation.

How do you know if you apply for VISA U?

If you have been a victim in any respect of the following crimes or if you suffered substantial physical or mental abuse as a result of the crime, you may very well be able to apply for a U-VISA.

Types of crimes eligible for VISA U

Benefits of VISA U

Obtaining a U VISA not only provides legal protection for crime victims, but also opens the door to a number of benefits, such as access to support services and resources for physical and emotional recovery. From work authorization to the possibility of applying for permanent residency, the U VISA offers a pathway to stability and security for those who have experienced difficult situations.

VISA U application process

The U VISA application process can be complex and requires careful presentation of evidence and legal arguments. From gathering documents to preparing statements, understanding the steps involved in applying for the U VISA is critical to increasing your chances of approval.

If you have been victimized in any way and want to know if your case qualifies for the VISA U, call us at +1 877-773-7647 and tell us about your case. We want to help you!

I am Attorney Alexandra and my Miracle Team and I have helped over 10,000 people in the United States to fix their papers. We want you to be able to have yours too!

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