The roads, the landscapes, the technology, everything in the United States is designed so that, unlike in other countries, the use of the automobile is a necessity rather than a luxury and most people in almost every state have, at least, a car in their homes.

With the increase in the number of cars on the road, it is to be expected that traffic offenses will also increase.
I am Attorney Alexandra, and although I agree with following the rules for the common welfare and accident prevention, I understand that in many cases, the punishment for a certain offense may affect other types of legal processes and this is not entirely fair.

For example, if an undocumented immigrant is unable to fix his or her status in the United States due to a past traffic violation or a DUI (Driving Under Influence) that he or she is carrying, it limits the person’s chances of being able to live with an honest job and fair pay.

Why should a DUI interfere with your situation as an immigrant who wants to become legal in the United States and have a peaceful life with your family?
It shouldn’t, right?

My team and I have specialized in all types of immigration cases, to find ways to resolve the obstacles that exist for immigrants in the United States who want to FIX IT WITHOUT LEAVING and one of those is to resolve the papers of people who have a DUI.

I want to help you Fix Without Leaving!™ the United States and I could do it, even if you have a DUI in your way! I believe everyone deserves a second chance and you are no exception. Give us a call and tell us about your case to see how we can help you. +1 877-773-7647

If you were the victim of a traffic accident and no one responded for your injuries, this article may be of interest to you: People who suffered some type of personal injury and paid the costs could get their money back

If you want to keep up to date with all the immigration information, follow me on all my channels: